SALIVA's BOBBY AMARU Talks New Music: 'We're Gonna Release Something In A Few Months'

May 28, 2024

In a new interview with Richmond Register Music, SALIVA vocalist Bobby Amaru and bassist Brad Stewart confirmed that there are plans for the band to release new music as a follow-up to 2023's "Revelation" album. "Yeah, we're gonna release more stuff," Bobby said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET). "We're gonna drop something in a few months, for sure. We may actually work on a single soon, very soon, like in the next few weeks. But we're gonna release something in a few months — like another thing. I can't really say [what it is]. We're working on something."

After the interviewer brought up the prospect of SALIVA dropping singles as opposed to full-length albums going forward, Bobby said: "That's probably the next move, is to do something like that. Just kind of maybe focus on a single or two and then lead it up to [a full-length album]. That's what we did with this one ['Revelation'], though. We started working on this record in 2020, and then we were, like, 'Oh, we'll put it out in 2021.' 'No, we'll put it out in 2022.' [It ended up being] 2023, but we were working singles all up until that."

Brad chimed in: "[People have] such a short attention span, though, in the TikTok world. Afull album? People are, like, 'What am I gonna do with that?' You'd be lucky to get three and a half minutes of their time."

Bobby added: "We do that for the core fans and the hardcore fans that really love full-lengths. I can't imagine a band that I really like giving me one song every six months… And I love doing the vinyl — all that stuff's great."

"Revelation" came out last September. It marked the band's first release since the passing of SALIVA's founding guitarist Wayne Swinny, who died six months earlier while on tour with the group. The "Come Back Stronger" video was notably filmed on March 16, 2023 — just five days before Swinny's death — and was dedicated to the fallen guitarist.

On March 22, 2023, SALIVA shared a statement on Facebook in which the band said that Swinny had been found that morning "in medical distress." Paramedics were called and the musician was transported to hospital "where he was diagnosed with a Spontaneous Hemorrhage in his brain."

SALIVA was on the road in the U.S. as part of the "Spring Mayhem" tour with THROUGH FIRE and ANY GIVEN SIN and had played in Warrendale, Pennsylvania on March 21, 2023.

When "Revelation" was first announced in July 2023, Amaru said in a statement: "We started working on this record in 2020 during the pandemic shutdown. I felt like we had to get outside of the box with this one.

"I've been sober almost five years now and there are many songs on this record that are a reflection of it. I just wanted to connect with the listener and pull them into what I was dealing with but also shed some light on overcoming personal adversity.

"With the passing of Wayne in March [2023], I felt lost. Where do I go? I knew we had this record we were all stoked about. Wayne's influence is all over these songs and, in my opinion, his playing on this album is next level. It's the only right thing to do to honor him and all our hard work and release it. I just want to share with the world what we have worked on the last three-plus years."

SALIVA's current lineup consists of Amaru and Stewart alongside Sammi Jo Bishop (drums),Sebastian LaBar (guitar) and Josh Kulack (guitar).

SALIVA launched its career in 2001 with the release of "Every Six Seconds", a double-platinum selling album with hits that include "Click Click Boom" and "Your Disease".

The band has toured the U.S. with SEVENDUST, AEROSMITH and KISS.

SALIVA reunited with original singer Josey Scott for a one-off appearance at the 2022 edition of the Blue Ridge Rock Festival at the Virginia International Raceway in Alton, Virginia.

Scott left SALIVA at the end of 2011 after 15 years with the group, reportedly to pursue a solo Christian music career. He was quickly replaced by Amaru, who can be heard on SALIVA's last five releases: "In It To Win It" (2013),"Rise Up" (2014),"Love, Lies & Therapy" (2016),"10 Lives" (2018) and "Revelation" (2023).

SALIVA released six albums with Scott and tasted platinum success and a Grammy nomination for its first big hit, "Your Disease".

In May 2021, SALIVA celebrated the 20th anniversary of its breakthrough major label debut, "Every Six Seconds", with a special project called "Every Twenty Years", an EP of classic songs re-recorded with Amaru.

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